If you have Java installed, you can view the 3D molecular versions of these figures by clicking on the image of the molecule.
3 xyz | 3cb xyz | 5cb xyz |
7cb xyz | 8cb xyz |
15 Gaussian 0utput xyz | 16 Gaussian output xyz | 17 Gaussian output xyz |
18 Gaussian output xyz | 19 Gaussian output xyz |
20 xyz | 21 xyz | 22 xyz |
30 xyz | 31 xyz | 32 xyz |
33 xyz | 34 xyz | 35 xyz |
36 xyz |
37 xyz | 38 xyz |
39 Gaussian output xyz | 40 Gaussian output xyz |
41 Gaussian output xyz | 42 Gaussian output xyz |
43 xyz | 44 xyz | 45 xyz |
46 xyz |
48 xyz |
51 Gaussian output xyz | 52 Gaussian output xyz |
55 Gaussian output xyz |
56 Gaussian output xyz | 57 Gaussian output xyz |